A complete guide to composite fencing

The process of selecting a new fence could appear to be extremely challenging at first, and to some extent, this assumption is correct. This is the case regardless of whether your existing fence is damaged and needs to be repaired or whether you simply want to update the look of your outdoor space.

However, take the time to familiarise yourself with all of your options and determine which types of fencing are available to you. You will find that the task isn’t nearly as intimidating as it initially appeared to be. If you take the time to familiarise yourself with all of your options and determine which fencing types are available, you will find that you have many more options than you originally thought. As a matter of fact, there is not a great deal of complication involved.

One of these options is composite fencing, which many homeowners prefer to traditional wood panels for their fences since it is more durable and low maintenance. Keep reading this piece to find out what composite fencing is, its advantages and disadvantages, and anything else you need to know about it. Is there a chance that composite fencing would be the most suitable choice for the outdoor space that you have available?

What is it?

In contrast to the traditional fence panels that may frequently be found in gardens that are more than a few decades old, composite fencing offers a fresh approach to the problem of securing your boundary. Composite fencing is an increasingly popular option.

Wood fibres and plastic are combined to create the composite material that is used in the construction of composite fencing (typically recycled plastic). The organic and unaltered look of the wood’s grain is maintained despite the fact that the plastic component offers incredible strength to a solution that will last for a longer period of time.

How is it made?

A composite fence, like other kinds of fencing, is made up of distinct components that are connected to one another to make the whole. The remarkable longevity of the product can be attributed, at least in part, to the fact that its principal components are a mixture of resin, plastic, and a number of different kinds of wood.

Moulds are used in the manufacturing process, and raw materials are packed into them under tremendous pressure. The vast bulk of the result, which is known as composite, is composed of recycled materials, which account for practically the entire composite’s composition. For instance, the offcuts and scraps that are produced as a byproduct in factories or mills can be repurposed to create new bits of wooden furniture. One-time-use items like bags and mugs can be recycled to produce plastic, which can then be utilised for other purposes. As a direct result of this, composite material contributes positively to the ecosystem as well as the general health of the environment.

The incorporation of wood into the composite fence will lend an exquisite appearance, and the incorporation of plastic into the composite fencing will increase the durability of the overall fencing. You have the choice between purchasing it in a variety of distinct colour configurations, each of which is available to you. One of the grain patterns that are consistently in high demand is one that appears to have been crafted from wood. It is ideal for people who want something that looks natural but at the same time has a high level of durability. Those people will find it an excellent choice when purchasing it.

The pros and cons


  • Long-lasting: Wood panels fortified with plastic will have a life expectancy that is significantly larger than normal timber panels due to the plastic’s ability to protect the wood from moisture. You can be confident that composite fencing won’t let you down because it has an extraordinarily long lifespan and is quite robust.
  • Sustainable: Because composite fences survive longer than other varieties, they require fewer replacement panels over time. This implies that there is less demand for cutting down trees to supply the replacement panels. In addition, composite fencing is usually manufactured using the utilisation of recycled plastic.
  • Mould and rot resistance – Because its composition includes plastic, composite fencing is highly resistant to both mould and rot. This is due to the plastic that makes up its composition.
  • Natural wood finish – If the natural beauty of traditional panels is what draws you to them, you won’t be disappointed with the range of composite alternatives that are available to you because the options for natural wood finishes are available. You may achieve the look you want for your fence by selecting from a variety of different finishes to achieve the look you want for it, whether you want it to have a more modern or classic appearance.
  • Composite fence panels, in contrast to traditional fence panels, call for extremely little or almost none of the maintenance that traditional fence panels do. This is because composite fence panels are made from recycled materials. Because there is no longer any risk of the composite material cracking or splintering, it is no longer essential to repair fences.
  • Installation that is both speedy and uncomplicated. The composite material used in fencing is not only incredibly easy to work with but also quite lightweight.


  • Initial costs – With so many benefits promoting the use of a composite fence, there had to be a catch somewhere, and the initial costs were that catch. However, the use of a composite fence has so many advantages that it is highly recommended.

Traditional methods of constructing fences out of softwood are often more cost-effective than composite fencing, which might be more expensive. Nevertheless, you should not give up hope because of this because it is not a reason to do so. When the costs of maintaining a less trustworthy choice over time are factored in, the more expensive composite fence is often a superior investment over the course of its lifetime as it will last longer and require less maintenance.

How long will it last?

A composite fence is a product that will last for a long time and perform in a manner that is equivalent to that of the composite decking items with which we are becoming more familiar these days. It is a product that can be made from recycled materials and is made from a combination of wood and plastic. This is due to the fact that composites contain both wood fibres and plastic in their composition. When you get composite fencing, you can anticipate that it will survive for at least 15 years after you have it installed, despite the fact that it is subject to wear and tear.

If you want to create the ideal atmosphere for appreciating “living outdoors,” you should consider installing composite fencing around the perimeter of your outdoor meeting space. This is something that you should give some thought to.


There is a wide variety of possibilities for composite fences on the current market, and each of these items comes with its own individual set of installation recommendations and ideas.

Because Luxury Screens U.K. uses a streamlined installation method, the composite fence that the company sells is a product that is simple to assemble after it has been purchased. Installing your composite fence panels involves only one set of hands and very little time if you position the composite boards in a stacked orientation and utilise composite boards. If you do this, you can install your composite fence panels. You may also utilise composite boards if you stack the composite boards in a certain arrangement before using them. Start at the bottom and work your way up, placing each composite panel on top of the one that came before it in the order that they were assembled. Because of the ease with which they may be installed and the snugness of their fit, they are the ideal attachment to complement the fence post system that Luxury Screens U.K. has available for purchase.

The composite boards that Luxury Screens provide are a great choice for the construction of a fence as they do not decay and do not require any kind of maintenance on the part of the customer. You will have the opportunity to take delight in a composite fence that will last for many years after finishing a simple installation.

“We might think that we are nurturing our garden, but of course it's our garden that is really nurturing us."

Jenny Uglow